Five Superfoods for a Winter Detox

Five Superfoods for a Winter Detox.png

Winter undoubtedly brings feelings of coziness and calm for many. However, for many others, the winter is associated with being cold all the time and tired for no reason. We all know that vitamin D is something we should be supplementing during the dark winter months, but did you know that there are many superfoods you should be including in your diet to give yourself the best chances possible? Take a look at five of the best ones I have found to help me the most when I need to detox. 

Sweet Potato

Sweet Potato

In winter, our skin tends to look pale, dull, and lacking life. The sun isn’t out nearly as often, our eating habits shift and we may not get as much exercise and fresh air. Eating some sweet potato can help remedy sallow skin. With a rich content of biotin, Vitamin B2, B6 and E as well as containing some iron and potassium, copper, manganese, and folate, sweet potatoes are a must that should be in everyone’s diet. 


The health benefits of garlic can be traced back to ancient Greece, where it was used for medicinal purposes as well as culinary purposes. Research on this plant has shown that it has been used to manage a variety of illnesses, as well as being used in cooking of course. It has been used to help increase energy and improve mental clarity. Whole garlic capsules, Allicin and other products containing garlic extract have also been shown to help reduce the risk of certain cancers from spreading throughout the body due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. While garlic is not a cure, and should not be used as a substitute for treatment, it can be a good choice for your daily diet. Garlic is not only beneficial for the reasons mentioned above, but also for the digestive system. It also aids the body in fighting any bacteria and viruses that may be present. 


The ginger you find in your kitchen has many medicinal benefits. Ginger is also known as "the king of all spices". Traditionally, ginger has been used to treat various ailments like cough, diarrhea, indigestion, menstrual problems, sore throat, and stomach aches. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, and other important nutrients. 
Ginger can be taken as a dietary supplement to manage gastrointestinal problems and as an alternate treatment for diarrhea. It can also be used to ease painful digestive problems and as a mild laxative. But among the most popular ways people use ginger nowadays is through drinking herbal tea. For example, the next time you get a cough, try drinking some ginger and lemon tea with a dash of honey, it works wonders! Ginger is also a great root to use because of its anti-inflammatory properties which help digestion, circulation, and sweat glands, thus helping you detox.

In Winter, the warming nature of ginger can feel comforting.  For the gut, we can also look to ginger as an herbal ally that helps stimulate the bowels for more comfortable and regular bowel movements.

Red Cabbage

Shape magazine supports the idea that cabbage, which is made up of over 92% of water is a…

"A natural diuretic that can help expel excess fluids from the body, so you can’t go wrong by filling up on this water-based food. It’s packed with glucosinolates, organic compounds that contain nitrogen and sulfur which help flush out unwanted toxins. Plus, cabbage delivers a good dose of many essential vitamins, including C, K, E, and A, minerals, dietary fiber, and folic acid.”

With that nutrition profile, red cabbage is an ally for health.  One of my favorite ways to enjoy all colors of cabbage is fermented.  Homemade sauerkraut is easy to make, tasty and a beautiful support for the microbiome because it is naturally rich in probiotics. 


We've heard that kale is one of nature's "superfoods" and one of nature's best examples of the benefits of eating well. Some people may even think that this is an exaggeration, but this is certainly not true. However, just because kale contains lots of antioxidants and vitamins does not mean that you can eat an entire kale salad. In fact, in order for kale to be a beneficial addition to your diet, you need to eat plenty of other fresh fruits and vegetables accompanying it. It has been found that the majority of people who suffer from chronic illnesses, including cancer and heart disease, will benefit most from including a small amount of kale in their diet each day.

Kale acts as a way to help flush out the kidneys, a set of organs that must be cleansed on any good detox effort. Meanwhile, it is also packed with so many antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties as well, not to mention all of the vitamins and minerals, therefore it is a great addition to your diet.

You can eat your way beautifully this winter!!

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Happy Holidays, 

Dr. LuLu