Posts in Hormones
8 Ways To Reduce PMS Symptoms

If your PMS symptoms are severe or interfere with your daily life, don't hesitate to talk to your healthcare provider. They can help rule out underlying conditions and recommend additional treatments to manage your symptoms.

Remember, every woman's experience with PMS is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. It may take some trial and error to find the combination of strategies that work best for you.

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Demystifying Estrogen: Your Guide to Understanding and Navigating Hormonal Health

What is Estrogen? Estrogen isn't just a single hormone; it's a group of hormones responsible for reproductive development, menstrual cycles, and various bodily functions. It helps regulate the menstrual cycle, supports bone health, and influences mood and cognitive function.

Many women have questions and concerns about estrogen, from its role in the body to potential health risks associated with imbalances.

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Cracking the Code: Cortisol, Gluten, and Adrenal Health

Here are some telltale signs of adrenal fatigue to watch out for:

🌟 Low stamina
🌟 Excessive fatigue
🌟 Cravings for sweet or salty foods
🌟 Disturbed sleep patterns
🌟 Allergies to environmental factors and food
🌟 Nighttime bursts of energy
🌟 Difficulty concentrating
🌟 Menstrual and menopausal challenges
🌟 Overwhelming sensations
🌟 Mood swings and bouts of depression
🌟 Impaired memory and focus
🌟 Frequent susceptibility to infections
🌟 Lightheadedness

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