Don’t Underestimate These Healthy Ingredients

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People often think about healthy foods as just fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other nutrient-dense foods. They often see healthy ingredients as an option, but don’t rely on them as much as they could. Here are some healthy ingredients that can be a lot more crucial to your diet than you might think.

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Chia Seeds and Hemp Seeds

You might occasionally put these types of seeds in your smoothies or on your oatmeal, but don’t underestimate the amazing nutritional profile they have.

Both hemp and chia seeds are a good source of healthy fats. Hemp seeds also contain over 6 grams of protein, along with iron, calcium, and magnesium. Chia seeds are an excellent source of both protein and fiber, as well as containing omega 3s and omega 6s.

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Unsweetened Apple Sauce

This is one of the best things to keep in your kitchen. Unsweetened apple sauce can often take the place of other sweet ingredients like sugar, and is often added to cookie or cake recipes to keep it soft and moist, without the added sugar.

The great thing about unsweetened apple sauce is that you get the delicious cinnamon apple flavor, without the added sugar. You can then sweeten it yourself and keep it as minimal as possible, or use a natural sweetener like stevia or honey.

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The reason vegetables are underrated is because most people just have them as a side dish, but they can fit in so many other dishes. You can easily add veggies to your main dish, like soup, chili, pasta sauce, eggs, or casseroles. That way, they don’t stick out and you can eat veggies that you may not love by themselves, but don’t mind eating with plenty of other foods mixed in.

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Greek Yogurt

Not only is Greek yogurt used as a healthier alternative to sour cream or mayonnaise, but it has a lot more protein than both of these ingredients. Simply by switching to Greek yogurt, you are getting an ingredient with more protein, more vitamins and minerals, and less saturated fat. Plus, it tends to be a little lower in calories, but still pack a powerful flavor punch.

Another option for Greek yogurt is to make a yogurt parfait for breakfast. Just top plain, non-fat Greek yogurt with your favorite fruits, add some honey or nut butter, and a handful of chia seeds, and you’re good to go.


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