Easy Ways to Get More Vitamin C

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When it comes to nutrients, there is no vitamin or mineral that is better or more important than another. But vitamin C is one of those nutrients that is definitely near the top of the list.

Vitamin C isn’t just a vitamin, it is an antioxidant. It can help keep you from getting illnesses like the cold or flu, and help your body fight infections, cardiovascular disease, and many other chronic illnesses.

The great thing about this vitamin is that it is very easy to get from the food you eat, without ever having to take a supplement.

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Keep Your Fruits on the Counter

Most people get their vitamin C from fruit, especially with your citrus fruits. If you tend to forget about fresh fruit being available, leave it on the counter where you can see it. Have a fruit bowl filled with vitamin C fruits like grapefruits, oranges, kiwi, and mango.

Many studies have been done to show that the food you see the most often in your line of sight is what you will gravitate towards. If you have a bag of chips or box of donuts on the counter, but your fruit in the refrigerator, you are going to grab a donut instead. Flip it around and keep only your healthy vitamin C-filled fruit on the counter to make it easy for you to boost your nutrients.

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Make a Vitamin C Smoothie

Make a habit of having a smoothie every day with at least one ingredient that contains a good amount of vitamin C. You can have a smoothie to replace your breakfast, after a workout, or just as a snack in between meals. Use fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C, like kale, guava, oranges, lemons, and kiwi. These all work great in fruit smoothies, but can also be used in green juices as well.

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Eat Your Veggies

Veggies have vitamin C too! Enjoy veggies like kale, broccoli, bell peppers, and tomatoes. If you have a hard time remembering to eat enough veggies, here are a few helpful options:

Add veggies to your smoothies. As long as you have fruits with a sweet taste, you won’t mind having veggies in your smoothies!

Add chopped veggies to soup, chili, or casseroles. Veggies with vitamin C like bell peppers and tomatoes go great in soups.

Eat a salad with every meal. If you have a hard time remembering to make veggies, just focus on having a side salad or at least one veggie side with every meal.

Do you need help with your Vitamin C?

Book a free 15-minute consult.