Finding Absolute Freedom with Food

Season 3 Episode #122 WITH Andrea caprio

On this week's episode of the Genetic Genius Podcast, Adrea Caprio discusses how to create and find a relationship with food that embraces freedom in every aspect of our life.

Andrea Caprio is an Emotional Eating Expert and Master Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach. She's here to help business professionals to take their power back from overeating with her proven tools and lifestyle hacks! Founder and CEO of Wellness Methods, She is also passionate about living life to the fullest but in a healthy way.

In this podcast, we discuss the following topics:

1. . How do the relationships we create at an early age shape our current relationships with food?

2. How much of food cravings is emotional and psychological and how much of it is really a physical craving?

3. What are your tips for overcoming food cravings without feeling deprived but still feeling satiated?

4. How is our blood sugar balance related to food cravings?

5. Are there specific foods you recommend to balance blood sugar and to help with cravings? sugar balance related to food cravings?

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