Unlocking Your Personal Alchemy with Crystal Healing


Season 3 Episode #107

On this week's episode of the Genetic Genius Podcast, Kate Mantello takes on a crystal journey and discusses her new and fabulous book - ROCKON. We discuss how crystal healing works and how you can use them to up-level and completely transform your life!

Here's some of the awesome crystal vibes we discuss!

1. What was the inspiration behind the book?

2. How is the book laid out as a guide for readers to really discover how to use crystals for their own personal healing?

3. How can we use crystals in meditation and for visualization?

4. How can they be used in a healing bath?

5. What is personal alchemy and how can crystals be used to up-level our personal transformation?

6. Is it important to clean a crystal when you first get it and do you need to continue to cleanse it or purify it regularly?

7. Is it important to set an intention with a crystal when you start using a new one?

8. Is there a correct placement when it comes to placing crystals on the body?

9. When working with crystals what type of effects or benefits can be felt physically and emotionally?

10. What is a crystal grid? Are there specific grids for detoxifying the body?

11. Are there specific crystals that can be used to activate the DNA?

To learn more about the Kate and to purchase her book please visit: www.katemantello.com

Download her powerful and healing crystal freebie!

Freebie Free 30 Day Crystal Healing Mini Course (online): www.evolvehealing.net/free-courses

Follow Kate

IG @katemantello

To learn more about Dr. LuLu Shimek and order her new book CLICK HERE