Epigenetic Revolution: Becoming a Planetary Stem Cell to Heal all DNA


Season 3 Episode #100

On this week's episode of the Genetic Genius Podcast, EPISODE 100, Dr. Bruce Lipton discusses epigenetic revolution: everything about energy, photons, stem cell, genetics, DNA and planetary evolution.

Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., cell biologist and lecturer, is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Bruce was on the faculty of the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine and later performed groundbreaking stem cell research at Stanford University. He is the bestselling author of The Biology of Belief, The Honeymoon Effect, and co- author with Steve Bhaerman of Spontaneous Evolution. Bruce received the 2009 prestigious Goi Peace Award (Japan) in honor of his scientific contribution to world harmony.

Here are some of the topics we discuss on this mind blowing and show!

1. What is epigenetics and is our DNA our future?

2. How do our cells and the DNA receive information from internal and external influences?

3. How does the DNA receive energetic messages from spirit and our inner source?

4. How do our thoughts influence our health, especially cellular health?

5. What can we do to help change the message that our cells are receiving into a positive and healing perspective?

6. In your book, Spontaneous Evolution, you talk about the blueprint for a brighter future encoded in our cells. Can you explain what the cellular blueprint is?

7. Are we born with our blueprint and does it shift and change over time?

8. How are our stem cells and the stem cells of the planet inter connected?

9. How can we all play a role in this next phase and shift we are currently in with the pandemic to shift our collective consciousness and the evolution of the planet.

10. What is your book the Honeymoon Effect about and how does it relate to planetary healing?

11. Why do you think we β€œloose” this honeymoon effect and how to we re-align ourselves with cellular harmony.

To learn more about Bruce Lipton please visit www.brucelipton.com

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