The Ultimate Self-Healing Journey
Comes from Within
Season 3 Episode #93
On this week's episode of the Genetic Genius Podcast, Sarah Dawkins discusses her new book HEAL YOURSELF: The Remarkable Journeys Of Ordinary People Healing Themselves Of Dis-ease In Extra Ordinary Ways and how the ultimate healing journey comes from within.Here are some of the healing topics we discuss:
1. First let's talk about your own self healing journey, which is such a large part of our discussion today.
2. What was the turning point in your journey where you threw your hands up and said enough and I need to take charge of my own health?
3. What type of different healing modalities did you try or was it more of you researching things and trying things on your own?
4. What was your biggest "ah ha" moment in your journey?
5. How much do you think your own diet affects your healing?
6. In your book, you have many different stories of how people healed themselves. How did you meet all these amazing people?
7. Can you pick one of your favorites? Can you tell us about how you connected with them and their journey to healing?
8. Did you notice a similar theme as you began to compile the stories? Like nutrition, environment pharmaceutical use etc.?
9. Did you find that there were specific major changes that each person did in their story - how did they empower themselves to take charge of their own health?
10. How important is mindset in the journey of self healing?
To learn more about Sarah Dawkins and visit her book visit:
Follow her on social media:
FB: @dawkinsse
Linkedin: @sarahdawkins
Twitter: @dawkins_sarah
To learn more about Dr. LuLu Shimek and order her new book CLICK HERE