Breaking the Illusion of Perfect Health: Healing is a Winding Road
Season 3 Episode #88
On this week's episode of the Genetic Genius Podcast, Dr. Carly Hudson of Healing Ground Chiropractic Care discusses her own profound healing journey, and how through this process she was able shatter the illusions for herself and her patients of perfect healing.
Here are some of the healing topics we discussed:
1. How can listeners create a realistic and sustainable vision for their health?
2. Do you think that the vision of health is altered by media - magazines etc?
3. What is this picture of health doing to the psyche of patients in achieving true health?
4. What are your thoughts on the road of healing? Can it be easy? Hard? Does it have to be uncomfortable to shift?
5. When a patient is in the uncomfortable part of the healing process, how do you help them shift?
6. How does chiropractic care and working on the nervous system assist your patients in being more open to healing?
7. How does chiropractic care shift the cellular makeup, DNA, and communication within the cells?
8. Let’s talk about the modern health care model of treating and managing the chronic disease patient. Why do you think this model has failed our patients and listeners?
9. How do you see the healthcare model changing even more over the next 5 years?
10. When we open our mind and DNA to possibilities can we achieve “quicker” healing?
To learn more about Dr. Carly Hudson please visit: Click Here
Check out her amazing podcast - Healing Ground Movement
Sign up for her e-newsletter and download the free guide to Rest, Recovery and Rejuvenation
Stay tuned for Dr. Carly's new book coming out in the Fall - Fortunately, Unfortunately
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To learn more about Dr. LuLu Shimek, purchase her new book, and make an appointment please visit www.doclulu.comTo learn more about Dr. LuLu Shimek and order her new book CLICK HERE