Turning the Addict Brain to Your Advantage
Episode #65
On this week's episode #65 of the Genetic Genius Podcast, Matt Seefeld discusses his heartfelt story of his own addictions and how this led him to create the Mylifelink app as a tool to help others around the world!
Here are some of the "addictive" topics we discussed on the show.
1. How does our brain start down the road of addiction?
2. Are there certain aspects of the brain that are more triggered than other parts of the brain when it comes to addiction?
3. How can listeners channel or shift this same energy into a creative energy instead of addictive habits?
4. What impact do you think genetics plays a role in addiction?
5. How big of a picture does hereditary and ancestral DNA play a role?
6. In your personal journey and the journey of others to recovery, how important is the aspect of community and human connection?
7. Tell us about your app mylifelink. What was the inspiration behind creating the app?
8. How does it help others on the road to recovery and sobriety and connect to the community? Does it have group settings?
9. How do health care providers use the app to help their clients and patients?
10. What's your concept called precision recovery?
To learn more about Matt Seefled please visit www.mylifelinkapp.com and to get the mylifelink app visit www.mylifelinkapp.com
Follow him on social media
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