Addictions & Empowering Your DNA to Live Up to Your Full Potential

The Genetic Genius Podcast with Tamar Medford

Episode #032

On this week's episode Tamar Medford discusses addictions and the journey of personal discovery on the road forward to living your highest potential. We also talk about her fabulous and enlightening book, Hope Elevated.

Topics discussed on this week's show:

1) How did you know you had an addiction?
2) When were you able to see addictions affecting your life?
3) When you were in the thick of the addiction did it seem like you were living in a fog blinders on?
4) When did you know you needed to ask for help?
5) How did you ask for help?
6) What helped for you to turn the corner to recovery
7) What do you think about the expression : “once an addict always an addict”
8) What do you suggest to do if someone is experiencing addiction and feel lost or that there is no help?
9) How do they start to begin the journey of healing and empowerment
10) You talk about helping people find their truest potential. What does that look like?
11) How do people even know what their truest potential might be? How do they find it?
12) How do addictions numb or truest version of ourselves?
13) What are the first steps and tools that listeners can start to take now to shift and have a healthy mindset and start to overcome their limiting beliefs?

Learn more about Tamar Medford
Purchase her book on amazon

Check out the youtube Video