Metabolism - The Cellular Reset
The Genetic Genius Podcast with Guest Dr. Aron Choi
Episode #015
Join me on this weeks podcast as Naturopathic Physician Dr. Aron Choi discusses his passion for Metabolism and Rebooting the cells.
Here are just a few of the topics we will be discussing on the show.
Why is metabolism so important for the body and cellular function?
Do you think that the body changes the way it metabolizes when the cells are not functioning properly or toxic?
What types of things can our listeners do to boost or shift their metabolism?
Why do you think that many patients get stuck in the fix it model? What's the don't fix it model?
What happens to the cells when we they are in a constant state of “Suppression”
Have you seen a big shift in the way your patients have been feeling or handling their lives from a stress perspective?
How can our listeners use this time as a place of retrospection and inward healing?
How does this listening (to yourself) change your cellular patterning both physically and emotionally?
Learn more about Dr. Aron Choi