Crystals have healing potencies which can magnify the good vibes within and around you and dissipate the bad! In this class we work with 5 very special crystals that are “a must have” for your personal use on a day to day basis. The objective is:
1-to elevate your mood;
2- To keep you centered grounded and focused so you can get more out of each moment of every day;
3- To protect you from picking up bad vibes form people, places, and things that you come in contact with on a daily basis;
4- To enhance your performance on all fronts;
5- To help u let go of stress and anxiety and help you prevent it from building up inside you and ruining your day;
Sometimes everyday life events add up to create a lot of pressure, which gathers and boils up to the surface causing havoc. At times you might have felt like a pressure cooker ready to explode! Learning to work with crystals can provide you with a new tool to use as a coping mechanism; & help with self awareness about ways to make life easier on yourself.
Nasrin Safai $45.00 class fee with optional discounted crystal package $25.00